Risk aware decisions in real-time
Natively multi-company and 24h, MF Capital Markets & Treasury Platform is a robust, cross-asset, real-time position keeping, rich of risks and P/L metrics that help traders / treasurers take optimal portfolio/client management, funding, hedging and risk management decisions in a given point in time.
MF CM&T Platform offers a comprehensive STP treasury system integrating position keeping, middle, back and accounting deal processing, analysis and controls into one single solution.
MF CM&T Platform provides automated and manual deal capture, position keeping, valuations, limit monitoring, accounting entries, payment transactions, together with flexible risk and P/L reporting.
Explore our Instrument Families to drill down MasterFinance’s covered products.
Triparty Repos
Cash Flows
Future & FutOpt
Structured & Callable snowball, snowblade, CMS linked & other path-dependent
Bond Collateral
Bond Option incl.Accumulator, ET (vanilla, barrier, digital)
Equity & Right
Equity & Index Future & FutOpt
Equity Structured
Warrant & Covered Warrant
Equity Option (incl.Accumulator, ET – vanilla, barrier, digital)
IRS & CCS vanilla, basis, amortizing, OIS, TIS, zero coupon
IRS Structured & Callable CMS, TARN, Range Accr. & other path-dependent
Cap & Floor vanilla, barrier, digital
Swaption vanilla, barrier
IMM Future & FutOpt
FX Spot, Fwd & Swap, NDF
FX Future & FutOpt
FX Option (incl. Accumulator & Flexible Fwd)
CMD Spot & Forward incl. Coin
Banknote Spot & Forward
CMD Future & FutOpt
CMD Option (incl. Accumulator)
CDS on single entity, basket, index & standard
CDS Option on single entity, basket, index & standard